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standard Adjustable width swivel bather Swivel bather for corner baths Heavy Duty Swivel Bather Swivel shower chair protea shower transfer seat Myco Seat Raiser Myco Wall Bracket Myco Arm Extender Seat Belt Seat Cushions |
Myco Swivel Bather Seat BeltThe Swivel Bather Seat Belt is suitable for both children and adults. The seat belt is fitted with a plastic buckle and the length is adjustable. The belt is attached to the Swivel Bather by threading it through the seat back. Maximum length of belt: 48" (1220mm) Minimum length: 35" (890mm)
Myco Limited 31 Malpas Drive Pinner Middx HA5 1DQ Tel: 0845 230 1202 Fax: 0845 230 1204 |